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Mastering the Chip Shot

Mastering the Chip Shot: 7 Tips to Improve Your Golf Chipping

Fewer scenes are better than a stretching fairway littered with obstacles and surrounded by peace. Add in the thrill of sinking a birdie on a par-five, and it's easy to see why 34.2 million people play golf.

There are countless reasons why this beloved sport is so popular and continues to grow in demand. From physical workouts to social interaction, there's more than just competitive fun.

However, there are a few hurdles to overcome to make the most of the activity. Learning how to chip a golf ball consistently is the most challenging one to master.

But you can uncover the steps by reading our chipping practice guide below!

1. Proper Setup and Alignment

Proper setup and alignment are always the first place to start, whether you are a first-timer or a pro. Otherwise, you are already putting your technique on the backfoot.

Start by standing with your legs about shoulder-width apart. Practicing your stance is an exercise to do from home. In the future, it will become second nature on the course. In return, this will give you the balance, posture, and hip rotation you desire.

Next, you should place weight slightly forward on your front foot. Although this technique is of significant importance, you should also feel comfortable. Stances will vary from person to person, so rehearsing is vital.

2. Club Selection

Emmert Wolf stated, "A man is only as good as his tools." This is true in a sport where you use equipment from the tee-off to sink a put and everywhere in between.

There are four types of wedges for your short game and chipping practice. They are a sand wedge, a gap wedge, a pitching wedge, and if you master the skill in the future, a log wedge.

If you're playing a short game, it's best to use a club with a high loft. By hitting the bottom of the ball, it will rise and fall within a short distance. Each wedge typically has a loft angle of between 46 and 54 degrees. You can usually find the number engraved or stamped on the club head, either on the sole or the back of the club.

Distance control is an essential element to consider, but you must also bear in mind the green speed. Each one will have a different rate and weather conditions, which affects it from one day to another.

3. Master the Chip Shot Technique

Grab the wedge with both hands, placing your dominant one on the bottom. Then, ensure your wrists are solid but not overly tense so they can work in tandem with your hands. When you swing, they should work as one unit.

As you take your backswing, focus on keeping the clubhead low to the ground. This means your hands should not go too far back, and your wrists should stay passive.

One of the simplest yet most effective golf chipping tips is to strike through the ball. Many beginners make the mistake of slowing down their drive after connecting with it.

No matter how soft or hard you swing your arms, they should always end in the air. Be sure not to move or take steps during the entire process.

4. Practice Your Chip Shot

One effective golf lesson drill that you can do to improve your golf skills is called the "up and down" challenge. To do this, place multiple balls around the green and try to get each into the hole in as few strokes as possible.

To improve your chipping accuracy, you can try the "clock face" drill. Think of your backswing as a clock face. 6 o'clock represents your position, and 9 o'clock is a three-quarter backswing.

By adjusting the length of your backswing, you can have more control over the distance of your chips.

5. Utilize the Bounce of the Wedge

Mastering the bounce is one of the most advanced golf chipping tips. But by learning this technique, you will up your game on every golf course worldwide.

The goal of the bounce is to stop the fringes of the club from digging or getting stuck in the ground. It's the curved part of the bottom of the clubhead that most people don't even acknowledge.

To utilize the bounce, ensure it makes contact with the ground before the edge of the club face. Remember not to hit the ball too hard or decelerate through impact.

6. Read the Greens

A total of 16,700 golf courses dot the American landscape. Each one has its own unique green.

Some golfers wait until they arrive on the green to read the area. However, this mindset is the difference between putting for a birdie and saving for par.

The slopes, breaks, and weather can affect the direction and speed of your ball. So, before you check your ball position for chipping, carefully examine the green. Identify the length of grass and, most importantly, any slopes that will change the ball's path.

Patience is the key to unlocking this step. Crouch as low as possible to the floor to get the most accurate results. Don't forget to visualize the routes your ball will take if it hits a specific slope.

7. Stay Mentally Composed

Many claim that sports are 80% mental and 20% physical. Others argue that it's closer to above 90%.

A robust mental attitude is the difference between the good and the greatest. Even if you're not a pro, you can prioritize this tactic to improve your chipping and overall game.

It's easy to get flustered when facing a challenging chip shot. Nevertheless, keeping a clear mind and focusing on the fundamentals is crucial.

You Know How to Chip a Golf Ball Consistently

Golf is a fun and rewarding pastime you can enjoy in every state in the United States. No matter where and when you play, you will create fond memories that you will always look fondly back upon.

However, it's even more satisfying when you know how to chip a ball consistently. After reading our guide, you know how to do so.

Now, it is time to test these steps by visiting the Country Club of Ocala, one of the most prestigious amateur events on the circuit!
